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What are Galleries?

Galleries are a way of sharing specific collected UGC videos with your audiences without the need for them to use any app to view these videos. You can group and share videos through TikTok-style vertical galleries.

Gallery is the mechanism of sharing or publishing specific collected video content.

Creating a Gallery

To create and add videos to a Gallery:

  1. Go to Content Library

  2. Select the videos that you want to add

  3. Click the Add to Gallery button

  4. Select Create Gallery

You can also create a Campaign Gallery from the Campaign Settings. This special gallery will automatically add all video content collected in this Campaign to the Campaign Gallery (no selection of videos is allowed here as all videos are added to this Gallery).

Campaign Gallery does not count toward your plan’s Gallery limit

Seamlessly embed galleries on your website or platform, showcasing your content visually appealingly. Enhance user engagement and showcase your media effortlessly.

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