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Find Frequently Asked Questions about the platform, its usage as well as other quick answers here.

Why do I need a Campaign?

The campaign is a way of collecting targeted, goal-oriented, branded UGC videos.

What do I use a Gallery for?

The Galleries are a controlled way to expose or publish collected videos to your audience (team, community, public). You can choose what videos are in the gallery, who can see the gallery (by sharing the link directly with someone or embedding it in your website) and can turn them off at will, effectively cutting access to the videos.

Are videos shared when created?

We are all about control: if you choose to allow your creators to share videos, you can enable that. If you choose for the video collection to be private, then you can disable the sharing for creators and the video is only accessible to you in your dashboard.

Is this only for TikTok? Or can I use Instagram or Facebook?

One of the largest benefits of BrandLens is to have brand users activate across all social media - TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.   

Does the platform support any other languages?

Yes! Campaigns can be created in any language, so users can interact with your brand in their native language.
The portion of the platform that you use to create the campaigns is in English.

What happens if the user runs out of the seconds in the month?

When the brand runs out of time, the creators will not experience any dropouts. Nothing will change for them. The brand will still get submissions, but they will be watermarked. The content can be unlocked by upgrading.

Is there an option for users to simply upload a video and not use the recorder?

Yes, there is. As a brand/agency, you have control to enable or disable the uploading ability.

Is it possible to download all collected UGC videos and use them on other platforms, social media, websites, etc.?

It is possible to download all videos to use anywhere. There are no restrictions for downloads.

Here you can find detailed information on how to download videos.

Can you limit the amount of time each capture can be? e.g. - say if I only wanted the end user to record a 30-second video maximum, would that work?

As part of configuring your camera screen in the campaign, you set the max duration of the video to be captured. For example, 30 seconds.

Can I make the video request part of a flow? e.g. - they record one video, then they get asked to record another video immediately after.

There are 2 ways to accomplish this in the platform:

  1. As user records for a single campaign, they can click the record button to pause and then record the second portion of the video. You are able to add on-screen instructions in the camera to explain the next step, etc.

  2. You can "chain" or "link" multiple campaigns together by adding the link for the next campaign and instructions to follow the link to the Sharing Page (last page).

Does the end user have the ability to review the videos after they have recorded them before the submission?

Right before submitting, the user has the ability to review and edit (trim) the video.

Are recording seconds counted only when a video has been successfully published? Or are seconds used even if the user doesn’t submit the video?

Only successfully submitted content is counted.

Can the QR codes be customized without the BrandLens logo on them?

Absolutely. High-resolution QR codes are given to everyone, and they can be customized as desired.

What does Near Lossless (performance impact) refer to as opposed to Full HD?
  • It is basically running things with low to no compression and at a very high bit rate.

  • The submission time (the wait) for the user/creators is substantially higher. This is used in a few use cases.

  • The standard quality is on par with what social media sites use.

What does Raw Video Download mean?

Raw video download (available on the professional plan) refers to downloading the same videos without overlays or additions. It’s just what the camera shot.

I want to ask for short videos from my leads on Linkedin how can this facilitate this?

You can create Campaigns on our platform and share the link via LinkedIn.

They will be able to click and create videos for you.

Does BrandLens have an automatic subtitle feature?

The subtitle feature is coming up!

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